to NuPathz and a New Perspective on Life!
Hi. I’m Gene and I’ll get right to the
point. I’m here because I believe that
I have information that can help you.
Information that can help you reduce some of the stress in your life and
help make your life easier and more enjoyable.
Information that can help you get what you really feel you want out of
Don’t worry – this is
not one of those “make a million bucks working evenings three days a week”
come-ons. And it’s also not one
of those “life is always wonderful” so let’s all hold hands and put our heads
in the sand (or other location of your choice) approaches.
I’ve been fortunate
to be able to learn a lot of things in my time here on planet earth. I’ve been fortunate to have been able to apply
what I have learned – and to know that it works for me.
Guess what? If it works for me there’s a darned good
chance that at least some of it will work for you!
I’ll be honest with
you. Some of the information I have for
you is basically a summary of thoughts from other folks dating back over 2500
years. Current experts in the field
have validated most of this same information.
Some of the
information on the other hand, has been derived mainly from my life’s
experiences coupled with my personal desire to make at least a smattering of
sense out of our existence here on earth.
It’s my “personal approach” to living.
Other information
comes compliments of a number of truly gifted thinkers who have been thoughtful
enough to make their wisdom available to all of us.
It’s all brain food that is meant to help both of us have an easier time trudging down our given paths. And yes, we're tossed in plenty of silliness to help keep the old gray matter from over-heating.
So please, feel free
to browse through the
Articles, the
Words of Wisdom,
Odds 'N Ends
and the other special features. Take a look
at the Books and pick up one or two if you want. (You can see a preview of every book if you’d like! Just follow the Lulu.com - the highlighted
"HERE" - link and click on
the book title.) They’re easy, quick
reading – and you may find just what you need to get you started down the path
toward a better – and more enjoyable – life.
Whatever you do, be
sure to take at least a short “time out” for you – every day if possible. Back away from the demands and pressures of
life for just a few minutes to think about you – what you’ve accomplished and
what you would like to be able to do on down the road.
And me? I’m just an old transplanted Nebraska farm boy who grew up with a desire to help people. I'd like to think that I've been able to do that...
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improvement and self help books & materials
Illuminating the path for personal
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