Origin of
Certain Thoughts (Part I)
by: Isaac Nwokogba
We all have spirit guides and we
all benefit from their assistance, whether or not we recognize it. Only a few
people can hear and exchange verbal communications with their guides, or
occasionally see their foggy, ghostly image materialize; some people only sense
their guide’s presence; others know the signs that indicate their guide’s
presence; and still others do not believe these guides exist, much less assist
Our relationship with our guide
probably represents the highest level of personal relationship between two
beings. If there were any other beings worthy of the term “soul mate,” guides
certainly would qualify. They know and understand us like no other.
Considering the experiences many
of us have in life and the problems we often face, some of you may find it
difficult to accept that our guides are there for us and work constantly to
help us. In times of great difficulty, the human tendency is to question where
these guides are when they are most needed. If they exist and are there for us,
why don’t they intervene?
As legitimate as these questions
may sound, they show our limited knowledge of who we are and our lack of
understanding about our relationship with the other side. All of us are here
for a reason. We’re here to have experiences that are possible only in this
world; to learn and grow; to contribute to humanity, the greater good; and to
attest to the infinite manifestations of the God force, the source of all
things. In this process, our consciousness continues to expand, soaring higher
and higher until we’re able to appreciate the opportunity and the privilege of
having existed as humans.
To reach our individual goals in
a given lifetime, we chose to have certain experiences. While many of these
experiences may be unpleasant, they are for our good nonetheless. Our guides
were there with us at the beginning when we made our choices. They understand
our higher needs, those beyond our material and earthly needs. They know
exactly why we’re here and what experiences we must have. They know firsthand
our cosmic obligations and commitments. And they know the magnitude of the pain
associated with those commitments. In short, they know us and our needs better
than we could possibly know ourselves while here on earth.
Because they understand our
needs so well, they do not see many of our experiences as requiring
intervention. They have an obligation to help and encourage us through those
experiences, but they are not to interfere no matter how much we think we need
divine intervention in our lives. For them to intervene would amount to failing
in their obligation and doing us a disservice as our guides.
They can and do intervene only
when there is a need to modify certain experiences to make them bearable so
that we can make it through life without failing completely to reach our goals.
If you think you have never
received any help from your spirit guide, the question is: Are you absolutely
sure? Our guides, along with other cosmic forces, have infinite but often
unobvious ways of delivering assistance, knowledge, and information to us.
For example, say you’ve spent
time and effort planning a trip but because of a feeling of unease, or because
something unexpectedly comes up that interferes with your plan, or for no
reason that is apparent to you, you cancel it. Because you did not take the
trip, it is easy to not even consider what might have happened had you taken
it. It is quite possible that something was at work making sure the trip never
took place – for your own life and safety. That something could well be your
spirit guide.
How about that sudden idea or
surge of inspiration that led you to the solution for a problem? Yes, the idea
or inspiration came to you, but where did it come from? As I stated earlier,
cosmic forces, including your guide, have infinite ways of transmitting
A thought may have come to you,
but it may have originated someplace else. In the case of finding an answer to
a problem, it is most likely that your guide transmitted some information that
guided you to a solution. If you petitioned or prayed for help, your guide may
have been consulted or asked to respond.
If you petitioned for help using
the techniques discussed in my book Seeds of Luck: The ABCs of Creating Your
Heart’s Desires, your guide may have been one of the recipients of the petition
since it was not directed to a particular entity or deity. Again, once our
problems are solved, it is easy to take the solutions for granted and not think
about their source.
Perhaps you remember a time you
were distracted and pulled in a certain direction only to discover later that
had you not been distracted and led away, you would have been exposed to
This article has been adapted
from the author’s latest book, “Voices from Beyond: The God Force, the Other
Side, and You.”
Continued in "Origin of
Certain Thoughts," Part II
About The Author
A lifelong student of
Christianity, spirituality, metaphysical traditions, and traditional African
religions, Isaac Nwokogba has written three books and published many articles
on various aspects of spirituality. Seeds of Luck focuses on the cosmic law
of manifestation and America, Here I Come examines the law of compensation.
His latest book is "Voices from Beyond: The God Force, the Other Side,
and You." http://www.voicesfrombeyond.com
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