The Doors of Life

By Monica Gomez



Imagine yourself walking through a long corridor. On both sides, you see rows of doors. Different ones. Some are more attractive, full of colours and artistic decorations. Others are simple and plain. Still others may be darker and not so stimulating. There’s a wide variety, and there’s also one thing: they’re all closed. So you just walk past, looking at them and regretting you can’t go through.

What if you were to know that some of these doors are actually locked but many others are not? You just need to try and open them!


When we are feeling down, discouraged, disappointed, all we do is keep walking along our lives, without even stopping to see if there’s a new chance, a new opportunity. In fact, there are. Life is full of adventure and possibilities. The only requirement is that we should look for them. Whenever we go past a door that we like, what we do is we just stop and complain: “Ohh, wouldn’t it be nice…? No way I could get in there, I don’t deserve it, that’s not for me…” and we go on and on, stepping deeper into our own darkness. Instead, if we tried, we might find that the door opens wide and lets us in, leading us onto a path we would never have imagined.


That’s what happens when we want to fulfill our goals. It’s much easier to stay still, immersed in our sense of failure and rejection than to go out and give it a try.


I picture myself trying to open all doors that come my way. What’s wrong with finding them closed? It may even be a blessing, meaning that’s not the way for me to get to my destination. As a result, I could get the satisfaction of finding new avenues, new roads to follow, which will eventually get me there, to my own spot, to the fulfillment of my dreams.



About the Author


Monica Gomez is a qualified counselor from Argentina. For over 20 years she’s been conducting trainings and seminars, helping people lead better lives by learning how to deal with everyday challenges. She’s the author of “Aprender a Dar” (Learning how to Give), a compilation of 52 of her articles, whose insights are drawn both from her heart and her personal experience. She now lives in Italy, with her husband and their son.

She is willing to be reached at 




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