A Sweep of
Vanity: How To Burst Your Own Bubble
by: Maya Talisman Frost
"Hoy-day! What a sweep of
vanity comes this way!" --William Shakespeare, "The Life of Timon of
If there's one characteristic we
hope we don't have, it's vanity. We'd rather be considered aggressive, driven,
petty, even mean than have others feel that we think too much of ourselves.
Isn't that hilarious?
We're all vain. The world
appears to revolve around us because we literally can't see it any other way.
Our reality is constructed entirely of our perceptions of how everyone and
everything responds to us. It's impossible to remove ourselves from the center
of our own universe.
That's our starting point,
anyway. We want to veer toward selflessness, but no matter how hard we try, we
remain rooted to the idea that how others see us really matters.
Oh, sure, we can pretend we're
beyond that. We can say that we don't give a hoot about what others think of
us. But even that is a bit of a conundrum--it's more likely that we care that
others think we don't care what they think! See what I mean?
"Vanity is so secure in the
heart of men that everyone wants to be admired; even I who write this, and you
who read this." Blaise Pascal, French mathematician & writer
It certainly doesn't escape me
that it takes a hefty amount of vanity to think that others will be interested
in reading what I write. I struggle with the concept of vanity on several
levels--as a 43-year-old woman in America trying to deal with aging and the
expectations of our society, as a writer sending out articles every week, as a
mind masseuse helping clients. That's all about me when you get down to it.
Plenty of vanity in this picture.
Like most people, I want to do
good work, and I want to feel validated by others for that work. Is that so
Well, no. We all engage in
activities throughout the day for our own benefit, and we hope that what we do
will end up helping other people. Confidence and self- interest are essential
in any work and in all service to others. Pride can move us toward having a
more powerful and positive impact on the world.
How do we keep vanity in check?
"The only cure for vanity
is laughter, and the only fault that's laughable is vanity." Henri Bergon,
French philosopher and Nobel prize winner
That's right. Laugh! The most
important step you can take to make sure you aren't headed down that vanity
path is to recognize that you ARE. And the greatest way to spin around and head
toward humility is to laugh at yourself.
There's plenty to laugh about.
What makes you care so much about how you look to others, anyway? Isn't it
silly how much time and effort you put into making a good impression? Isn't it
hilarious to recognize that everybody else is earnestly working to make a good
impression, too? What if we all just relaxed and had a big belly laugh over how
ridiculous we are? We'd get more done, and we'd have more fun doing it.
We take ourselves far too
seriously. We should seize every opportunity to poke fun at our affectations.
When we break down that facade we've so carefully crafted, we invite everyone
else to join us. It's the most effective way to connect with others and
encourage a more lighthearted focus on what's really important.
One way to stay real about
yourself is to intentionally select a goofy title. Forget the traditional
chief-of- operations, vice-president-of-marketing, sales-division- manager
options. I choose to call myself a "mind masseuse" because it sounds
silly. The image of someone poking their fingers into your brain is wacky. It
makes people smile. (Okay, so it's vain to care about what others think. At
least I can laugh about it!)
My husband owns his own
business. Most people would refer to him as a CEO or president. Not him. He
orchestrates the distribution of Bodylinx magnetic jewelry, so he refers to
himself as a "magnetic conductor". He adds this title to every email
and letter he sends, and people appreciate his humorous approach.
Why not have a little fun with
your description of your work? Fancy titles are laughable in their vanity. Even
if your work requires you to maintain a certain level of decorum, come up with
your own title for yourself that makes you smile. It'll keep you from getting
too puffed up.
"A man who is not a fool
can rid himself of every folly except vanity." Jean Jacques Rousseau,
another French philosopher
Next time you find yourself
studiously protecting your image, just grin. You're human. Vanity is a natural
tendency, and one you're bound to hang on to despite your best efforts. Recognize
it, laugh at it, and don't be shy about sharing that realization with others.
It will make you a more
excellent human where it matters most--in the eyes of those you love.
About The Author Maya Talisman Frost is a mind
masseuse. Her work has inspired thinkers in over 80 countries. To subscribe
to her free weekly ezine, the Friday Mind Massage, visit http://www.massageyourmind.com.
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