Flights Of
Fancy: An Air Of Gratitude
by: Maya Talisman Frost
Feeling cranky about air travel?
Get a grip.
Not on the arm of your passenger
seat--on reality, history, and the incredible accomplishment of human flight.
We've just celebrated the 100th
anniversary of the Wright brothers' historic flight at Kitty Hawk, North
Carolina. Although there were certainly others who were experimenting with
flying machines--most notably, Alberto Santos-Dumont, a Brazilian who is widely
celebrated in his native country as being the father of aviation--the Wright
Brothers are generally regarded as the first to get humans off the ground.
The fascinating thing about the
Wright brothers is that they were not the idealistic dreamers you might expect
them to be. They were serious, studious, and determined to figure things out.
It wasn't that they were obsessed with the dream of soaring high above the
ground. They were mechanically-inclined brothers who owned a bicycle shop, and
they couldn't forget the brief but exciting flight of a cheap toy airplane
they'd received as children. They were intrigued by the engineering challenge.
Let's just say it--they were
geeks. Good thing. Like geeks everywhere, they dug in, immersing themselves in
their research. By following their hunch and testing the heck out of it, they
found the key component that enabled them to create that first flying hunk of
wood, fabric and wire capable of carrying a man and--key point here--landing
without crashing.
The Wright brothers had the same
access to records of tried and failed attempts at flight as all other would-be
aviators of the time. They studied birds, they analyzed physics properties, and
they built wind tunnels--just like everyone else. Sure, it was their dogged
persistence that led them to success, but there was something else that really
helped them nail it. They took one piece of the puzzle and worked relentlessly
to decipher it.
Instead of focusing on the force
needed to lift the contraption, or the engine required to power it, they zeroed
in on the concept of control. No sense having a great flight only to crash into
the trees after a few moments of jubilation. It was the issue of control that
captured their imagination and led to a design featuring both maneuverability
and safety.
But as focused as they were on
directing the movement of the flying machines, they failed to pay attention to
the continued testing and refinement of their ideas. They got distracted by
their efforts to control sales, and the research and development division was
left flapping in the breeze. While the Wrights got caught up in patent
struggles and contracts, adventurers around the world were improving on their
original design and savvy businessmen were building airplanes, airports and
flight schools. By 1912, Wilbur had died and Orville was losing interest in
Meanwhile, Santos-Dumont
continued his passion for being airborne. He is credited with launching the
first public flight as well as designing the first hydroplane. He zipped around
Europe, flying to fashionable restaurants and parking his plane out front,
right next to the tethered horses. Where the Wrights were methodical and
diligent, Santos-Dumont was a flashy man about town known for his daring and
his sense of style. He cut a dashing figure and inspired everyone from fashion
designers to engineers. His friend, Louis Cartier, created the first wristwatch
for him after Santos-Dumont expressed a need to keep track of time while busily
flying his plane.
Santos-Dumont didn't give a rip
about patents. Instead of spending his time and money on protecting his
designs, he freely offered his ideas to anyone interested in copying and
improving them. He engaged in the shareware idea: take this, go forth and
prosper. We've seen this approach in software (Linux) and hybrid-electric cars
(Hunter and Amory Lovins), and though it rarely leads to great wealth for the
creators, it dramatically facilitates access and ingenuity.
After years of flying high,
Santos-Dumont suffered from ill health and committed suicide in 1932. I guess
neither engineering talent nor courageous individualism guarantees a happy
ending. The Wrights ran out of passion, and Santos-Dumont lost his mojo. In
their own ways, they simply burned out.
It's interesting to think about
how we need both the plodding perseverance of the Wrights and the free-thinking
generosity of Santos-Dumont in every project we undertake. The greatest
invention in the world will never capture the excitement of the population
without those who are fearless in their attempts to apply it. Those who create
the buzz are admittedly standing on the shoulders of those who quietly
developed the technology, but we must have both to bring out the eagerness of
the early adopters and the cultural change that hinges upon the mainstream
acceptance of any new idea.
Bill Gates, that geek
extraordinaire, has said: "The Wright brothers created the single greatest
cultural force since the invention of writing. The airplane became the first
world wide web, bringing people of different languages, ideas and values
The next time you're slogging
through security, struggling to put your bag in the overhead compartment, or
grousing about the leg room, pause a moment to reflect on the enormity of human
flight. Recognize it for the magnificent achievement that it is, and pay
tribute to those who lived and died for its creation. Appreciate the risk
taking required in the last century to get you that window seat.
Please remain seated until the
aircraft comes to a complete stop, and whisper words of gratitude to the Wright
brothers for their determination in discovering what it takes to make a safe
You may now move freely about
the cabin. Please refrain from complaining.
Thank you for flying for us,
Wilbur and Orville.
About The Author
Maya Talisman Frost is a mind
masseuse. Her work has inspired thinkers in over 70 countries around the
world. This article appeared previously in the Friday Mind Massage, a free
weekly ezine serving up a satisfying blend of clarity, comfort and comic relief.
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