Slightly Off the Beaten Path – One Man’s Opinion



Is Jesus the Son of God?



*Note:  Just to put this piece into perspective – it is written from the viewpoint of an individual raised in a Methodist Christian tradition and who has, over the years, transitioned away from this structured line of thought.





Well, hell yes… but then aren’t we all?


Allow me to explain.  From my point of view, we are all spiritual entities and therefore, we are all an integral part of God’s creation.  If we consider that “God” is in all likelihood, a total of all the love, wisdom and power in all creations and we are a part of that creation then God is truly a part of us.  And yes, to wrap this into one tidy little package, if all of our personal, individual love, wisdom and power contribute to the essence of God then we are each a part of God.  Everything is connected.  God, us, trees, grass, birds, critters, dirt, rocks, planets, suns, galaxies – everything – here, there and everywhere.


As spiritual entities then, we each have the potential to add to the total of the love, wisdom and power of the “system”.  We likely also have the same potential to subtract from the grand total as we allow our individual negative displays of hate, jealousy, greed, etc. to control our beings.


As spiritual entities, some of us are likely further along the developmental path than others.  Some of us are probably near the top of the pecking order while others of us are still struggling to keep our heads above water.  Some of us are leading while others of us are having one bear of a time just trying to follow. Why would it be this way?  I dunno.  I just think that by observing the things – events and situations – that are part of our daily lives, we are given glimpses of the “other side” – of the big picture.  So, back to the levels of development, if that’s they way things are here on Planet Earth there’s a fairly good chance this situation may apply to the “system”.


If this developmental theory is the least little bit true then, it makes sense to me that Jesus was (is) really, really close to the top of the main organization.  He has a power chair in the boardroom. He holds the master key to executive washroom.  He gets front row, floor seating at the Knicks games.  He’s THERE, baby!


It just stands to reason then, that he would be picked somewhere around date zero, to pop into our earthly existence to shed a little light on the overall spiritual organization.  He could educate, encourage, motivate, and generally give us humans a gentle kick in the rump to help aim us in a logical direction.  He could let us know that there’s more to this creation than meets the eye and assure us that once we’re finished with our earthly assignment, we’ll get to go back home (heaven, the “other” dimension, whatever…) and chill out for a while.  He did a good job of that, I think.  And yeah, he pissed a few people off in the process but that’s part of another story.


So to me anyway, the title, “Son of God”, even though generally accurate doesn’t fully describe who Jesus was or what he did.  Maybe “Official Ambassador” or “Master Teacher” should be added to his business card.  I think the addition of “Friend to All” would be a nice touch too.  What do you think?




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