We Have It Made…
…and just don’t know it!
Off and on through several articles,
we’ve discussed the spiritual aspect of us humans. We’ve talked about some possible alternatives
to some of the more mainstream beliefs and have hopefully promoted thinking and
positive questioning of our individual spiritual approach to life. The desired end result is that every one of
us will find our personal spiritual path that will lead us to our spiritual
goal(s) – and that we’ll be able to truly enjoy the trip.
As I’ve said before, I
believe there are an infinite number of paths leading to God or whatever our
concept of ultimate consciousness or self-development may be. I also think we spend entirely too much time
worrying about which path(s) may or may not be the correct one – the “true”
path to God. It just doesn’t make any
sense to me that a loving supreme power would toss several billion people on
this little planet saying, “Y’all go learn something, have a great life and
remember that when you’re finished there, at least two-thirds of you will be
going to hell!”
I think it would be much
more logical to provide us
If we just use the concepts
that have been presented in previous articles as an example, we can be
reasonably certain that reaction from a reasonable cross-section of the
population would range from “Cool – that makes sense to me”, through “I don’t
really understand much of this” on to “This guy needs to be locked up in a
padded cell somewhere”. That’s why I’ve
said from the very beginning that the intent of this site is strictly to
promote thinking and positive questioning of our “programming” and beliefs or
assumptions about life. It will never be
to “convert” anyone to my ways of thinking.
Besides being really presumptuous on my part – it just wouldn’t work,
again because of the wide variation in our backgrounds and yes, our foundation
Therefore, I’m comfortable
believing that our Master Teacher has taken this into account and provided all
sorts of flexibility in our individual paths to enlightenment,
self-fulfillment, God – whatever you want to call it. I don’t think that this life was ever meant to
be a test. I honestly believe that it’s
just a learning experience – the
Holy smokes, if we’re not
going to be punished for being bad, what’s our incentive to be good? Won’t that cause a major deterioration in our
society? Wouldn’t that result in nothing
but chaos?
I seriously doubt that our
earthly society would be much different than it is right now. Sure, there are some of us who are “being
good” out of fear of the potential consequences of being bad. But to be totally honest about it, none of us
are “good” all the time, are we? Life
just isn’t like that. Most of us are
generally good – relative to whatever our sociological norms happen to be –
because that’s how we choose to be for whatever reason. Maybe it’s because of a foundation spiritual
influence, or the influence of our parents or other role models. Maybe it’s simply because of our basic
design. I’d bet that if we took a look
at the levels of “good” in the earth’s population, we’d find that the majority
of folks are doing just fine.
Unfortunately, it’s the bad guys who are getting most of the publicity.
My suggestion? Just relax!
Take life as it comes and give it your best shot. Look for a path that will help you learn your
lessons as quickly and as easily as possible.
Identify your personal spiritual leader and spend some time asking your
questions and BS’ing. And don’t worry
about the seemingly “bad” stuff you’ve done.
Try to learn from it and press on.
Let it go. Yesterday’s not
important. It’s today that counts. Just do your best – whatever that may be. Enjoy the really cool things this world – this
creation – have to offer. Be silly,
smile a lot and have some fun. It may
not be a perfect world, but I honestly believe it is a perfect “creation”. And we’re a part of it. Cool!
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