




Just BS’ing with My Buddy


In previous articles (Life’s Little Helpers, More about Ardella), I introduced you to what I believe may be my personalized connection with the “other side”.  I don’t know if she could be classified as an angel, guardian angel, guide, spiritual companion, or if “buddy” really is the most appropriate description.  Somehow, I think it is even though spiritual companion would be fitting, too.  The other terms – angel, etc. –appear to more applicable to spiritual entities who perform different types of tasks.


So how do I get into contact with Ardella?  Easy – I just start “thought talking”.  That’s all there is to it.  No requirements to be someplace quiet, to enter into a trance – or to use any of the myriad of tools that are available to help unlock the ethereal doors.  Nope, I just start talking.  It’s a completely natural, normal – and yes, easy – communications process.  That’s just the way it is.  Don’t get me wrong here.  I’m not implying in any way, that those of you who prefer to use a different process or procedure for your communications are unnecessarily taking a more complicated path.  Far from it.  Over the years, I’ve come to realize that because of our individuality – experiences, level of development and personal preferences– there is no set communications process that will work for everyone.  There is no wrong or right way.  It’s just whatever works for us.


I’ve also learned that there is a distinct possibility that our communications – including the type of spiritual entity we are in contact with - is determined to a great extent by our expectations.  I’m sure there are some notable exceptions out there for various reasons, but basically it looks like we personally determine the “persona” of our spiritual communicator.  OK, “determine” might be a little too strong of a word.  Perhaps “influence” would be a bit more accurate.  This just makes sense.  We wouldn’t get much benefit from having to communicate with an entity whose “appearance” and personality clashed with ours.  I personally wouldn’t be comfortable trying to communicate some serious dude by using a complicated ritual.


Just for the heck of it, let’s take this one step further.  I think there’s a good chance that we’re all spiritual entities.  That we’re temporarily here on this old planet in human animal form to learn the things we need to learn so that we can develop and in some way, benefit “The System”.  I refer to it as attending the University of Earth.  If this is the case, then there’s a real good chance that our relationship with our spiritual companions was established even prior to our arrival here.  We may have been assigned - or at least agreed to work with – one or more of our spiritual associates during the time we were to be in this form.  That would make this whole process one heck of a lot easier.


“OK, Gene.  Here’s the plan.  You’ll show up in a farm community in Nebraska in the latter part of 1940.  Then after you get acclimated and experience earth life for a while, I’ll get in contact with you and we’ll go from there.  Don’t worry – I’ll be with you the entire time.  You’ll probably suspect that, but I’m not going to confirm it until I’m sure you’re ready.  OK?  Then once you realize who I am and we’ve re-established our relationship we can get to work and have some fun.  How’s that sound?  Great!  Let’s get on with it!”


Is that the way it really works?  Geesh, I dunno.  I’m just a silly human hanging out in Mid-America doing what I enjoy doing.  There’s no way that any of us can know with any degree of certainty how any of this works no matter how convincing our personal insights appear to be.  I think I do know this though.  There’s likely far more to our existence than we generally experience in our day-to-day human lives.  And I think it’s beneficial if we individually spend some time researching and at least thinking about the possibilities.  You never know what really nice things we might experience…




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